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Choose your pricing plan

  • Pollenator

    Every month
    (5) posts
    • Requires Brand
    • Posted for you (Optional)
    • 1 social channel included
    • $10/mo each extra channel
    • Analytics & dashboard
  • Bee's Knees

    Every month
    (15) social media posts
    • Requires Brand
    • Posted for You (Optional)
    • 1 social media channel
    • $10/mo each extra channel
    • Analytics & dashboard
    • Captions & hashtags
  • Nectar

    Every month
    (20) Posts: Images/Hashtags With Captions (1) Videos / Reels
    • Branded
    • Posted for you (optional)
    • 1 social channel included
    • $10/mo each extra channel
    • Analytics & dashboard
    • Up to (2) emergency posts
    • Requires: Content Planning
  • Honey

    Every month
    (30) Posts / (4 videos) Same as previous package with (4) Emergency Posts
    • Branded
    • Posted for you (optional)
    • 1 channel included
    • $10/mo each extra channel
    • Analytics & dashboard
    • Requires: Content Planning
  • The Swarm

    Every month
    (60) Posts (5) Videos
    • Branded
    • 2 Social Media channels
    • Analytics & dashboard
    • Captions & hashtags
    • (5) Emergency posts
    • Requires: Content Planning
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